Poster Presentations Abstracts (Alphabetical Order)


Rufina Alamo, Florida State University (USA)

#1· Effect of length of 1-alkene on melt memory of crystallization above the equilibrium melting temperature of random ethylene copolymers.


Abdulaal Al-Khazaal, University of Waterloo (Canada)

#2· Effect of operation conditions and column type on the fractionation of polyolefins by HT-TGIC.


Siripon Anantawaraskul, Kasetsart University (Thailand)

 #3· Application of Genetic Algorithm for Identifying Ethylene/1-Olefin Copolymerization Conditions from Molecular Weight and Chemical Composition Distribution.

 #4· Chemical Composition Distribution of Linear Olefin Block Copolymer: Theoretical Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation.

#5· Mathematical Model of High Temperature Thermal Gradient Interaction Chromatography (HT-TGIC) for Ethylene/1-Octene Copolymers.


Jan-Hendrik Arndt, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

#6· Quantitative HPLC of polyolefins with the evaporative light scattering detector - Evaluation of the response in a series of mobile phases.


Visvanathan Balasaravanan, SABIC (Saudi Arabia)

#7· Study on correlation between resin parameters and thermo-mechanical properties of LLDPE for rotomolding applications.


Olivier Boyron, Univ. Lyon (France)

#8· TGA/IST/GC/MS coupling: an advanced technique for LLDPE structure interpretation.

#9· Application of Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to the analysis of structural composition of ethylene/butadiene copolymers.

 #10· Xylene soluble fraction of HiPP.


Alan Brookes, Agilent (United Kingdom)

#11· Sample Preparation and HT-GPC Analysis of Ultra high Molecular Weight  Polyolefin and the effect of Temperature.


Nuttawat Chokputtanawuttilerd, Kasetsart University (Thailand)

 #12· Mathematical Model of Crystallization Elution Fractionation of Ethylene/1-Octene Copolymers.

Li Chuanfeng, Sinopec (China)

#13· Characterization and Properties of Polyethylene synthesized by Supported Non-Metallocene Catalyst.


Paul Clarke, Malvern Instruments (United Kingdom)

#14· Molecular weight and branching structure distributions of polyethylene.


Baudilio Coto, University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)

#15· Determination of long chain branching in EVA copolymers by GPC-MALS and GPC-VIS: comparison and uncertainties.


Marco Antonio Da Silva, Braskem (Brazil)

#16· Study the influence of particle size on the molecular weight of polyethylenes with high or ultrahigh molecular weights (UHMWPE).

#17· Polypropylene heterophasic copolymer grafting Itaconic Acid: Molecular structure analysis through fractionation techniques.


Subin Damodaran, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

#18· Effect of Chlorinated hot water on Pipes Alpha and Beta Polypropylene.


Pilar del Hierro, Polymer Char (Spain)

#19· Automated analysis of the amorphous fraction in PP resins by a modified TREF technique.


Robert Freisinger, Anton Paar (Austria)

#20· New Developments in High Throughput Rotational Rheology for Polymer Melts.


Yuka Fukui, University of Shiga Prefecture (Japan)

#21· Study on the mechanical properties of PP/n-SiO2 nanocomposites in addition of polysilane material.

Prabhu K N, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

#22· Improving resolution in high temperature gradient liquid chromatography of polyolefins.


Kei Kaneko, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)

#23· Highly thermal conductive polypropylene nanocomposites having Al2O3 network formed by the combination of impregnation and sol-gel methods.


Ilir Koliqi, Tosoh Bioscience (USA)

#24· High Temperature Gel Permeation Chromatography using Dual Flow Refractive Index Detection.


Esther López, Polymer Char (Spain)

#25· GPC analysis at different flow rates to overcome shear degradation.


Tibor Macko, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

#26· HPLC separation of polypropylene in different mobile phases.


Federica Malizia, LyondellBasell (Italy)

#27· Isothermal Fractionation by DSC : Stepwise Isothermal Segregation Technique applied to Random  C3C2 copolymers.

 #28· Structural investigation of C3C2 random  copolymers by thermal fractionation technique.


Frank Malz, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

#29· Monitoring the Interaction of Polyethylene on Graphite by Temperature-Gradient NMR Spectroscopy.


Nuria Mayo, Polymer Char (Spain)

#30· Column-based Preparative Fractionation for Polyolefins.

Saeid Mehdiabadi, University of Alberta (Canada)

#31· A critical comparative study of HT-TGIC, CRYSTAF and CEF of polyolefins.


Dibyaranjan Mekap, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

 #32· Liquid Chromatography At Critical Conditions (LCCC) Of Polyethylene.

#33· Novel Method For Separation And Identification Of N-Alkanes/Oligomers In Hdpe By High Temperature High Performance Liquid Chromatography.


Claudiu Melian, DSM Resolve (Netherlands)

#34· Detailed Information on Ethylene Polymers as revealed by 1H and 13C NMR.


Jovita Moreno, University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)

#35· Characterizacion Of Bimodal Polyolefins: New Routes For Polyethylene Pipes Production.


Makiko Nakahara, University of Kanazawa (Japan)

#36· Improvement of failure behavior of iPP by addition of polypropylene-carbonate.


Mitsuhiko OndaMitsui Chemical Analysis & Consulting Service Inc. (Japan)

#37· Quantitative Evaluation of 13C NMR Peak Intensity for Polyolefin Solution.


Eric Osmont, Ineos (France)

#38· Molecular Weight Distribution and Chemical Composition analysis of Polyethylene by Gel Permeation Chromatography. Influence of detection technologies on data quality.


Teresa Pastor, University Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)

#39· Impact polypropylene copolymers. Characterization as a tool to optimize their synthesis.


Mohau Phiri, University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)

#40· Characterization of Ethylene-Propylene Rubbers using DSC, CRYSTAF and HT-HPLC.


Amparo Ribes, Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)

#41· Evaluation of the sunlight degradation of HDPE and PP Silicon nanocomposites

#42· Recycled polylactide blends as an alternative to polyolefins in disposable applications.

#43· Thermal characterisation of non-additivated raw Polypropylene/Silicon colloidal composites.


Dario Romano, University Loughborough (United Kingdom)

#44· Effect of a Co-Catalyst Modifier in the Synthesis of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Having a Reduced Number of Entanglements.


Bassem Sabagh, Malvern Instruments (United Kingdom)

#45· An Investigation into the effects of Aging on Automotive Bumper Samples by Xylene Soluble Flow Injection Polymer Analysis (XS-FIPA).


Laura Santonja, Florida State University (USA)

#46· Polymorphism and Crystallization Kinetics of Polyethylenes with Precise Chlorine Substitution.


Tobias Schuster, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability (LBF) (Germany)

#47· Imaging Techniques: Tool for the quantification of oriented additives.

#48 · Raman spectroscopy as a non-destructive tool for additive analysis in polyolefins.


Kengo Takeuchi, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)

#49· Formation of silica network structures using sol-gel reaction in polypropylene amorphous region as template.


Wallace W. Yau, Polyolefin Characterization Consultant (USA)

#50· Direct Comparison of Infrared and Refractive Index Detection for HT-GPC of Polyolefins.


Ying Zhao, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)

#51· Unusual Orientation of β-iPPduring Uniaxial Stretching Studied by in-situ X-ray Scattering Using Synchrotron Radiation.


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2009-2025 International Conference on Polyolefin Characterization Organization.